All Research Institute Directors Sign HUN-REN Letter to MTA Extraordinary General Assembly


The general directors and the directors of the independent institutes consider it crucial that the research network be able to operate in properties owned by HUN-REN. The leaders of the HUN-REN research institutes have met again for discussions.

The leaders of the HUN-REN research centres and independent research institutes expressed at their Monday meeting that they unanimously support the T/10010 bill on the Hungarian Research Network, which has been submitted to the Parliament. They also agreed that the Ministry of Culture and Innovation had incorporated all the proposed amendments they had suggested, as outlined in their Joint Statement from 14 November.

The research institute leaders emphasised the importance of conducting their activities primarily in properties owned by HUN-REN, which would also enable meaningful development of these properties, and the research infrastructures located within them.

The participants in the general directors' meeting prepared and signed an official letter to be addressed to the MTA Extraordinary General Assembly on Wednesday. The letter emphasises that transferring ownership of the property assets to HUN-REN is a fundamental pillar of the renewed HUN-REN, without which a successful research network cannot be envisioned. This is underscored by the challenges posed by the current state of the properties and the everyday practices of recent years.

"The draft bill and the resolution of property ownership are key elements of a renewal program that has the unanimous support of the research institute leaders and is designed to foster the revival of Hungarian science," states the joint letter from the research institute leaders.

The full text of the letter can be accessed here.

The general directors and the directors of independent institutes consider it of utmost importance and support the proposal submitted by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to the General Assembly on 11 December. According to this proposal, the properties used by HUN-REN's research institutes will be transferred to HUN-REN through a purchase by the state and, subsequently, as per the government's declared intention, will become fully and free of charge the property of HUN-REN. They also requested the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to endorse the proposal in order to facilitate the successful strengthening of HUN-REN, thus aiding the advancement and transformation of Hungarian research and development.

Following the meeting of the research institute leaders, the HUN-REN Steering Committee convened, agreeing with the statements made during the general directors' meeting and expressing its support for the letter outlined above.

The goal of the HUN-REN leadership is to ensure the long-term sustainability, development, and increased international competitiveness of the research network by continuously improving the conditions for scientific work within the evolving HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network. They will continue to provide regular updates to the research community on the steps of the renewal process.
