Ten of the fourteen National Laboratories receiving funding in 2022 will be implemented under the leadership of or in collaboration with ELKH research sites


As part of the “Establishment and Complex Development of the National Laboratories” (RRF-2.3.1-2021) tender within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Hungary, eight new and six existing National Laboratories received funding. Of these, four will be implemented under the professional leadership of an ELKH research site, while several ELKH research sites will also participate in a total of 10 projects as consortium members. The total funds available to the National Laboratories with the participation of ELKH is about HUF 60 billion.


The National Laboratories are collaborative and dynamic new arenas for exploratory and experimental research, and are pivotal in an international context. The main objective of the National Laboratories Program is to bring together research sites, universities and industrial players, to support future-oriented technologies in order to implement world-class research and innovation programs, to develop the necessary competences and to make the widest possible use of research results. The purpose of the tender is to create and develop knowledge centers with the potential to become outstanding scientific hubs in areas that are particularly promising for the national economy.

ELKH is a key participant in the National Laboratories Program, four of the ten ELKH-related projects that won support this year within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Hungary are implemented under the professional leadership of ELKH research sites. In the areas of industry and digitalization two projects launched in 2020 under the leadership of the ELKH Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), the National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and the National Laboratory of Autonomous Systems received additional funds. Of the newly established National Laboratories, within the area of health the National Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Research and Development under the professional leadership of the Research Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK) and within the area of safe society and environment the National Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology and Precision Breeding for Food Safety led by the Centre for Agricultural Research (ATK) can begin operations in 2022.

New National Laboratories implemented under the professional leadership of ELKH research sites and with the participation of ELKH sites as consortium partners

1.Agribiotechnology and Precision Breeding for Food Security National Laboratory
 Consortium leader: ELKH Centre for Agricultural Research (ATK)
 Additional consortium member: Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
 ELKH consortium member: Biological Research Centre (BRC)
 Topic area: safe society and environment

The novel aspect of the project is the integrative and multidisciplinary approach, which includes the main elements of the agricultural ecosystem. Among the research topics are the main components of the microbe-plant-animal triangle that forms the basis of the agricultural ecosystem with particular emphasis on the investigation of mycorrhiza-plant interactions, strains resistant to pathogens and stress, and antibiotic resistance. The main goal of the project is to promote stable and safe agricultural production and the production of healthy and high-quality food.

2.National Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Research and Development (PharmaLab)
 Consortium leader: ELKH Research Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK)
 ELKH consortium members: Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM), Biological Research Centre (BRC)
 Other consortium members: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Pécs
 Topic area: health
 Among the most important objectives of the National Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Research and Development are the development of technologies and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures that are competitive on the international market, the strengthening of small molecule drug research and the development of biologics and diagnostics. Another aim of the program is the development of RNA, DNA and immunological-based diagnostic tests for laboratory and Point-of-Care applications. Planned for the future, in cooperation with small, medium and large company partners, are preclinical and generic-purpose chemical, biological, biotechnological, pharmacological and pharmaceutical technological developments.


National Laboratory for Health Security
 Consortium leader: University of Szeged
 ELKH consortium members: Centre for Agricultural Research (ATK), Veterinary Medical Research Institute (ÁTKI), Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics (RI), Institute for Computer
 Science and Control (SZTAKI), Biological Research Centre (BRC) in Szeged, Centre for Social Sciences (CSS)
 Other consortium members: University of Veterinary Medicine, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, National Food Chain Safety Office, Neumann Nonprofit Ltd., Óbuda University,
 University of Pécs, Semmelweis University
 Topic area: health
 The aim of the Health Safety National Laboratory is to create a scientific basis for decision-making in Hungary based on data and analysis in the areas of health care, epidemic prevention and ecological systems. The project encompasses research carried out in the fields of epidemic mathematics, epidemic ecology, invasion biology and data-driven health care, among other topics. The laboratory unites and coordinates the research groups operating in this area in Hungary in an insular fashion along the “One Health” concept, thereby supporting networking and the creation of an effectively collaborative and internationally competitive research community. Considered the most complex laboratory, the Health Safety National Laboratory is created by connecting four independent national laboratories in which Invasion Biology and Epidemic Ecology operate as independent divisions under the leadership of the Ecological Research Centre.
National Laboratory of Infectious Animal Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Public Health and Food Chain Safety
 Consortium leader: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
 ELKH consortium member: Veterinary Medical Research Institute (ÁTKI)
 Other consortium member: Széchenyi István University
 Topic area: safe society and environment
 The establishment of the laboratory is of key importance for the national economy, since the rapid recognition of infectious diseases, along with effective prevention and treatment are especially important due to the large number of farm animals in Hungary and the annual increase in revenue they generate. Also playing an important role in the project is the study of the increasingly alarming spread of antimicrobial resistance, especially with regard to the possibility of its transfer from animals to humans. The laboratory’s innovative competences and modern infrastructural capacity not only further the nation’s human and animal health, they also increase the international competitiveness of domestic livestock breeding.


National Laboratory of Renewable Energies
 Consortium leader: University of Pécs
 ELKH consortium members: Centre for Energy Research (EK-CER), Research Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK)
 Other consortium members: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, University of Debrecen, University of Miskolc, John von Neumann University, University of Pannonia,
 Széchenyi István University, University of Szeged
 Topic area: safe society and environment
 The National Laboratory of Renewable Energies is being established, among other reasons, in order to create the scientific, technological, legal, economic and industrial property protection foundations for small-footprint energy technologies, especially the production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen, as well as carbon dioxide utilization, thus contributing to developing sustainable energy management and chemical manufacturing. Other objectives include planning and preparing for the implementation of a demonstration plant that can be used to produce e-synthetic gas, which can in turn be converted into e-kerosene. Synthetic e-fuels produced using electricity from low-carbon sources can significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


National Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience
 Consortium leader: University of Pécs
 ELKH consortium members: Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM), Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Research Centre for Natural Sciences (TTK)
 Other consortium members: Semmelweis University, University of Szeged, Gedeon Richter Plc.
 Topic area: health
 Two programs are encompassed within the framework of the National Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience, both aimed at finding practical uses for neurological research. In the “Neurodevelopmental Disorders” project, new diagnostic and interventional solutions are developed through comprehensive research into the disorder mechanisms behind neurodevelopmental changes in early life. The aim of the “Adult Nervous System Disorders” project is to understand the mechanism behind nervous system disorders and to develop therapeutic methodologies for treatment.


National Laboratory of Water Science and Water Security
 Consortium leader: University of Pannonia
 ELKH consortium members: Centre for Agricultural Research (ATK), Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLKI), Centre for Ecological Research (CER)
 Other consortium members: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, University of Debrecen, University of Miskolc, National University of Public Service, National Meteorological Service, National Directorate
 General of Water Resources, Széchenyi István University
 Topic area: safe society and environment
 Considering Hungary’s location, water management and water resources, the National Laboratory of Water Science and Water Security is being established to carry out water science and water security research that contributes to the safeguarding of water quality. Among others the project encompasses the development of an artificial intelligence-based monitoring system for examining large lakes, such as Balaton, conducting research on the spatial and temporal dynamics of invasive animal species using innovative methods and generating new concepts for utilizing groundwater to meet the water demands of agriculture. In addition, the laboratory is developing innovative methods for dealing with drought, irrigation and land reclamation in order to increase water supply and storage capacity and to improve the resilience of watersheds to climate change. The development of a high-resolution 5G-based rainfall monitoring system is also planned along with a water quality monitor and control system for the drinking water supply network.

National Laboratories launched in 2020 and implemented under the professional leadership and with participation of ELKH research sites that received support for complex development initiatives

1.National Laboratory of Autonomous Systems
 Consortium leader: ELKH Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI)
 Other consortium members: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Széchenyi István University
 Topic area: industry and digitalization
 The major basic and applied research activities of the National Laboratory of Autonomous Systems focus primarily on autonomous road and air vehicles, as well as autonomous robotics and production systems. The goals of the project include the development of self-driving vehicle platforms using sensors, actuators and communication devices and the creation and permanent installation of an infrastructure suitable for the experimental investigation, testing, and demonstration of already-existing systems and prototypes. Another aim is to build a network of Hungarian and international partners and develop services related to the ZalaZone test track.


National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence
 Consortium leader: ELKH Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI)
 ELKH consortium members: Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM), Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics (RI), Centre for Social Sciences (CSS)
 Other consortium members: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungarian State Treasury, Special Service for National Security, Semmelweis University, University of Szeged,
 Széchenyi István University
 Topic area: industry and digitalization
 The purpose of the National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence is to strengthen Hungary’s role in the area of artificial intelligence. Its priority activities include research into the mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence and deep learning, the development of machine vision and natural language processing, research into data processing technologies that ensure the protection of personal data, the analysis of social impacts and the development of adaptation and implementation methods. The research results are used in the agricultural, food, healthcare, transportation and telecommunications industries, as well as many other areas.


Multidisciplinary National Laboratory for Climate Change
 Consortium leader: University of Pannonia
 ELKH consortium members: Balaton Limnological Research Institute (BLKI), Centre for Ecological Research (CER)
 Other consortium members: Eötvös Loránd University, University of Miskolc, National Meteorological Service, Semmelweis University
 Topic area: safe society and environment
 The participants of the Multidisciplinary National Laboratory of Climate Change analyze the features of climate change and the effects of its elements on human health, natural and economic systems and society. Other objectives include carrying out research and development activities in the areas of technological, economic and social adaptation. The consortium members are planning to create a knowledge center that as an expert partner will help with the scientific foundation, creation and fine-tuning of country-specific strategies in the areas of intervention (e.g. infrastructural developments that increase energy efficiency). The technical results to be achieved in the course of the operation will have concrete economic and social benefits for Hungary in terms of preparing for the consequences of climate change and mitigating its harmful effects.
