SZTAKI developing artificial intelligence for defense purposes


The ELKH Institute for Computer Science & Control (SZTAKI) is participating in an international project to research self-learning artificial intelligence for defense purposes. The FARADAI project will be implemented over the course of three and a half years with the support of nearly EUR 18.5 million from the European Defense Fund, which aims to increase European defense capabilities in cooperation with 35 organizations from 13 countries. The coordinator of the consortium is the Greek research institute CERTH (The Center for Research & Technology, Hellas). Also participating in the project are the research network Fraunhofer and some member companies of the arms manufacturer Rheinmetall from Germany, along with some member companies of France’s Naval Group and Thales Group.

In the defense industry, there is a growing demand for artificial intelligence (AI) systems that are able to adapt and learn from their environment in a cost-effective, autonomous manner, without supervision or intervention. In the FARADAI project, researchers are further developing existing technologies in the field of artificial intelligence while simultaneously also proposing new, innovative AI solutions in the area of autonomous defense systems.

SZTAKI’s task is to develop both algorithms that continuously learn from a small amount of data along with developing self-explanatory solutions based on self-learning in simulation environments. On the Hungarian side, the project is being managed by András Benczúr, scientific director of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory and head of SZTAKI’s Informatics Laboratory, and Roland Tóth, researcher of the National Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and senior scientific associate with SZTAKI’s Systems and Control Lab.

For more information, see the SZTAKI website.
