Revitalising the HUN-REN Supported Research Groups Programme
HUN-REN Governing Board adopts new approach to research funding
President Balázs Gulyás has defined strengthening HUN-REN's scientific and innovation potential in the context of international competition as a key priority, as well as increasing the social, economic, and intellectual impact by integrating research and innovation results into the broader innovation value chain.
Click here to read our article on the public consultation on the 2024 draft call for proposals for the HUN-REN Supported Research Groups Programme.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the concept and funding criteria of the Supported Research Groups Programme will be renewed, with the agreement of the Governing Board and based on international best practices, with a focus on excellence. As a result, a new approach will be introduced into the Hungarian research funding system.
One of the innovations of the Programme is the inclusion of HUN-REN institutes in the pool of eligible beneficiaries, meaning that research groups from these institutes can now apply directly for funding. The Programme primarily aims to support emerging researchers, requiring that research group leaders have no more than 15 years of post-doctoral research experience. The initiative seeks to provide experienced, internationally recognised young researchers with the opportunity to establish research groups through close collaboration between HUN-REN, other research institutions, and Hungarian higher education institutions. Under the scientific coordination of the applicants, participants will conduct their work across multiple host institutions.
The renewed Programme primarily aims to encourage multi- and interdisciplinary research, where distant yet complementary disciplines work in synergy across the life and physical sciences, as well as the social sciences and humanities.
In line with the strategic measures of the John von Neumann Programme, HUN-REN HQ expects the supported research groups to achieve results-oriented performance in areas such as nurturing future researchers, research output and impact, increasing international visibility, grant activity, and engagement with economic actors. These efforts should contribute to establishing the innovation pillars of a knowledge-based, high value-added economy. The renewed Programme also provides an excellent opportunity for higher education institutions to collaborate with HUN-REN, potentially resulting in joint publications, PhD supervision, and intellectual property outcomes.
HUN-REN HQ is preparing the 2024 Call for Proposals for the Supported Research Groups Programme in accordance with the aforementioned priority funding principles, which is expected to be published in July 2024.