Eleven HUN-REN Researchers Selected as Excellence Grantees
The results of the second round of the 2024 National Research Excellence Programme EXCELLENCE research grant have been announced: 24 outstanding research proposals will receive a total of HUF 2,609,659,000 in non-repayable funding from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NRDI Fund). Among the successful applicants, 11 are from HUN-REN institutes, securing a combined total of HUF 1,319,280,000 in funding.
The aim of the National Research Excellence Programme EXCELLENCE research grant, launched under the management of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), is to support researchers in successfully participating in international calls organised by the European Research Council (ERC), as well as to encourage the implementation of cutting-edge research projects in Hungary.
The scheme, managed by the NRDI Office, is aimed at researchers who have already demonstrated their position among the leading figures in the international scientific community through significant international grant achievements. The funding provided by the programme will enable researchers to build a strong foundation for future international grant applications and promote the international integration of the Hungarian research environment.
Between 1 July and 19 September, a total of 56 applications were submitted to the second call of the research funding scheme, with a total funding request of HUF 9,403,473,000, according to the NRDI Office. The Research Council of Hungary made recommendations for the supported applications, taking into account the proposals submitted to the ERC and the peer review evaluations received. The funding decision was made by the President of the NRDI Office. As a result, 24 outstanding research applications—11 from HUN-REN researchers—will receive a total of HUF 2,609,659,000 in non-repayable funding from the NRDI Fund.
The following researchers and topics from HUN-REN applicants have received support:
- Dániel Virosztek, HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics – New challenges in quantum optimal transport (HUF 70,000,000)
- Sándor Spisak, HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences – Potential opportunities for colorectal cancer prevention by studying the functional non-coding genome (HUF 120,000,000)
- Marco Marengon, HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics – 4-dimensional exotic topology (HUF 150,000,000)
- János Pintz, HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics – Combinatorial methods in number theory and geometry (HUF 100,000,000)
- Gábor Péter Nyíri, HUN-REN Institute of Experimental Medicine – Brainstem control of cognitive and emotional processes (HUF 200,000,000)
- Dániel Hillier, HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences – MesoBrain: Molecular and cellular circuit pathways for cognitive functions in higher mammals (HUF 150,000,000)
- Péter Nemes-Incze, HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research – Realising novel graphene-based, topological, and correlated electron systems through atomic-scale customisation of the layer order (HUF 179,980,000)
- Gyula Timinszky, HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged – The role of ADP-ribosylation in sleep and wakefulness regulation (HUF 60,000,000)
- István Katona, HUN-REN Institute of Experimental Medicine – Non-canonical cannabinoid signalling (HUF 199,320,000)
- Zsolt Czimmerer, HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged – Investigating microenvironment-specific macrophage-pathogen bacterial interactions in mouse and human macrophages (HUF 49,980,000)
- János Fiala-Butora, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences – Free minds: in search of non-coercive psychiatric care (HUF 40,000,000)